Tuesday, November 20, 2018

30 Veggie-Filled Breakfasts for Fat Loss

Breakfast sets the stage for the rest of your day. Not only should you never skip it, but you should also make sure that it helps you reach your wellness goals. To get you on the right track, we’ve scoured the net for some of the most delicious veggie-filled breakfasts for fat loss. Each of these dishes are packed full of veggies that will fuel your body for the rest of the day. The hardest part is choosing which one you’ll make first!

1. Sheet Pan Chorizo and Egg 

Check out one of the best veggie-filled breakfasts for fat loss! There is so much deliciousness packed into each and every bite of this colorful breakfast dish. Plus, it always helps when you can throw everything into a single pan and cook it up quickly. Don’t miss out on the Mexican-inspired dish that will take your breakfast from boring to delicious. Not only does this meal taste great, but it’s also good for you!

2. Savory Breakfast Salad

I know what you’re thinking: “A salad. For breakfast?” Trust us, though, this mixture so amazing that you’ll wonder why you’ve never thought of it. The dish includes sweet potatoes, blueberries, and leafy greens. If you want more veggies in your diet, this is a great way to get started.

3. Mango Citrus Veggie Juice

Have a hard time eating enough veggies? Try adding this simple drink to your diet. The mango flavor is all you’ll taste as your body consumes an entire cucumber! Who knew eating..err..drinking your veggies could taste this good! You can easily disguise additional veggies if you prefer.

4. Favorite Frittata

I simply can’t resist the yummy veggies in this recipe. Spinach and potatoes are the standout ingredients, but the ham is a nice addition that brings it all together. You’ll be happy to know that each serving is only 136 calories! It’s hard to beat this type of veggie goodness.

5. The Best Black Bean Breakfast Tacos

Tacos for breakfast? Yes, please! Feast your eyes (and your stomach) on this veggie-filled breakfast taco that is sure to satisfy your taste buds without sacrificing your diet. When your plate is this colorful, you know you’re doing it right!

6. Baked Eggs and Kale with Ricotta

If you’re looking one of the most delicious veggie-filled breakfasts for fat loss, then you have to try this baked eggs and kale with ricotta recipe. It’s a great solution for getting more kale in your diet without sacrificing yummy flavor.

7. Chilla (Chickpea Omelet) with Maple Roasted Broccoli 

This chickpea omelet is loaded with broccoli, which makes it one of the best veggie-filled breakfasts for fat loss you’ll ever find. It’s hard to turn down a recipe as good as this one. Cook it up this week to help you maintain your healthy goals.

8. Soft Scrambled Egg Toast with Roasted Asparagus

If you’re already making toast, there’s no reason you shouldn’t throw some veggies on top! Asparagus is an excellent option because it compliments the eggs and provides an extra boost of flavor to an already delicious breakfast food.

9.  Sweet Potato Breakfast Boats

Sweet potato, avocado, tomato, and beans–what more could you possibly need? This hearty breakfast dish is loaded with veggies and flavors that you simply can’t resist. Serve it up this week and it’s sure to inspire you to focus more on your health.

10. Egg Muffin Cups 

Talk about delicious! This recipe might be low calorie, but it’s definitely still high in flavor. As an added bonus, each of these little muffins are full of protein to help your body get through your workouts. Many people choose to make this recipe ahead of time, which makes it easy to quickly grab it on the go during hectic mornings.

11. Vegan Omelet with Asparagus, Spinach and “Cheese”

Searching for perfect veggie-filled breakfasts for fat loss? Check out this amazing omelet recipe! Omelets are always a great way to pack in extra veggies, and this recipe shows you exactly how to do it.

12. Baked Frittata with Roasted Red Peppers, Arugula, and Pesto

Frittatas are great way to sneak a few extra veggies into your diet. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that this recipe is gluten-free and loaded with incredible Italian flavor. Don’t rely on fried foods when you can opt for this delicious baked alternative.

13. Spring Vegetable Egg Casserole

Who said that veggies aren’t a breakfast food? Take one look at this breakfast casserole and you’ll totally want to serve up more veggies from now on. Broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, and mushrooms–this recipe has a little bit of everything you need to fuel your body for the day.

14. Veggie Quiches with Spaghetti Squash Crust

Every bit of this quiche is packed with as many vegetables as possible! All that fresh flavor surely won’t go to waste. Whip this up in your very own kitchen to start your day with a heaping portion of delicious veggies.

15. Vegetable Sushi Avocado Toast

Once you try this amazing recipe, you’ll never settle for plain toast ever again! Load some toast up with your favorite veggies and add a touch of wasabi sauce. This recipe definitely has the kick to wake you up in the morning!

16. Roasted Sweet Potato and Kale Breakfast Hash

I think we can all agree that kale is great for your body. However, it’s not always easy finding a recipe that makes kale taste as delicious as this one. Sweet potato and kale come together to make a one of the most scrumptious veggie-filled breakfasts for fat loss that you’ll ever find.

17. Loaded Breakfast Stuffed Peppers

Peppers are always a fast and easy way to get in some veggies. You can totally customize this recipe to add your favorite veggies to the filling, or simply rely on the pepper itself to get your first vegetable of the day.

18. Mizuna Tofu Scramble Burrito

This recipe is packed full of delicious greens, which give your body the nutrients it needs to fuel your workouts and keep you on your weight loss journey. Plus, tofu is an excellent source of protein which your body needs to function at its best. Serve this up and discover just how amazing it really is.

19. Breakfast Burrito

The great thing about breakfast burritos is that you can pack so many veggies into them! This freezer-friendly version also ensures that you can make them ahead of time so you’ll always have several on hand throughout the week. This particular version calls for beans, potatoes, and peppers, but you can easily squeeze in some extra veggies to double the nutrients your body receives.

20. Protein Breakfast Bowl

This delicious breakfast bowl is full of fresh and tasty vegetables. Not only is it low calorie, but it’s also an excellent source of protein. It proves that eating well can be healthy and totally delicious! Try this recipe for yourself; you’re sure to fall in love with it.

21. Hashbrown, Spinach, Tomato, and Feta Pie 

You won’t believe all the yumminess found in one, simple recipe. There are so many veggies packed into each and every bite. This is about to become one of your top favorite breakfasts! Even meat-lovers can’t resist the deliciousness found in this dish. At only 145 calories per serving, how could you possibly say no?

22. Deep Dish Tomato Pie

Fresh tomatoes really make this recipe stand out from the crowd. Make sure to pick a variety of local tomatoes if you really want to take this dish to the next level. Start your day with a plate of tasty tomato pie and you are sure to be well on your way to a day of healthy choices.

23. Turkey Sausage Spinach Mushroom Egg Bake

Load up on mushrooms and spinach with this healthy dish. There’s so much deliciousness in each and every bite. Plus, it’s hard not to fall in love with a dish that has cheese in it. Treat your body right by consuming this protein and nutrient-rich breakfast.

24. Lemon Poppyseed Zucchini Muffins

The best way to pack in the veggies? Put them in a muffin, of course! This dish is low calorie and sneaks in a few more veggies to get your day started off the right way. Remember that each meal counts, and anytime you can sneak in just a little bit more of the good stuff, the better it is for your body and overall health journey.

25. Sweet Potato Breakfast Skillet with Sausage 

Peppers, potatoes, and sweet potatoes are the show-stopping vegetables in this colorful dish. It’s a simple recipe, but the flavors are out of this world. It cooks up quickly and you can rest assured that you’ve started your day on the right note.

26. Zucchini, Red Pepper, and Carrot Pancakes

Looking for a healthier alternative to traditional pancakes? Check out this veggie-infused pancake recipe! It’s so oh-so delicious and great for you and fat-loss goals. It’s so easy to cook up and the result is absolutely scrumptious!

27. Sunburst Spring Vegetable Quiche

Asparagus and carrots are the main veggies in this delicious quiche. This simple, delicious recipe incorporates a healthy portion of veggies first thing in the morning. You are sure to reap the benefits for the rest of the day.

28. Caprese and Smashed Avocado Toast

Add few tomatoes and avocados to your toast in the morning to really pack in those veggies. Why wait until lunchtime when you can start your weight loss journey first thing in the morning! You won’t regret this tasty meal.

29. Southwestern Breakfast Quesadilla 

Pack in a few extra veggies with this tasty dish. Corn, peppers, and beans come together to create an amazing flavor combination. You can even make this recipe ahead of time and freeze it for ultimate simplicity throughout the work week.

30. Creamy Avocado Banana Green Smoothie

Because breakfast smoothies don’t get enough attention, you may forget that you can actually drink your veggies. Leafy greens and avocado are the showstoppers in this delicious veggie-infused drink. If you’re searching for veggie-filled breakfasts for fat loss, don’t forget about this tasty option.

Recipes like this will make sure that you start your morning with a healthy bang. Looking for more ideas? Follow us on Instagram and check out our Facebook for more delicious low calorie recipes for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

The post 30 Veggie-Filled Breakfasts for Fat Loss appeared first on Skinny Ms..

source https://skinnyms.com/veggie-filled-breakfasts-for-fat-loss/

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