Friday, May 4, 2018

Burn Fat and Build Muscle With These 5 Best HIIT Challenges

Are you looking for a way to spice up your workout routine? While performing a consistent program will get you results, it’s a great idea to switch it up every now and then! Not only will this jump-start your fitness again, but it will also keep it exciting! That’s why we’ve compiled our favorite HIIT routines for you to try out! You will burn fat and build muscle with these 5 best HIIT challenges!

These workouts will target every major muscle group, all while burning fat throughout your entire body. While we can’t choose where we lose our fat, HIIT exercise will ensure that it keeps burning even after the workout is over. HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training. This means that each of these workouts is designed to continuously bring your heart rate up and down to guarantee both fat loss and muscle growth.

Try throwing in one of these workouts each week to change up your routine or really challenge yourself and try to complete all 5 in 1 week! You can do it!

1. The Best Fat-Burning Lower Body HIIT Workout

This workout utilizes the quadriceps and the hamstrings (two of our biggest leg muscles) which allows us to build and burn at the same time! Talk about efficient! Along with sculpting your legs and booty, it will also improve your cardiovascular health! If you’re short on time, this one is for you!

2. HIIT Your ABS Workout

This Ab workout will sculpt and strengthen your core while burning fat all over your body! A strong core will also allow the rest of your body to become stronger. In turn, you will end up burning even more calories! Remember ladies, the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn throughout the day. If you want 6 pack abs in time for Summer, try this workout today!

3. HIIT Your Arms Workout

Who doesn’t want beautifully sculpted arms to show off at the beach? I know I do! This routine will work all of the muscles in your arms while helping you burn some serious calories! This workout will leave you looking great and feeling strong for kayaking, fishing or those countless games of beach volleyball you’re going to play this Summer.

4. HIIT Kettlebell Fat Blaster

I love workouts that focus on utilizing one piece of workout equipment. I say this because it keeps the workout simple and allows us to keep the intensity up. This kettlebell routine can burn loads of calories in under 15 minutes while toning up your whole body!

5. HIIT Your Butt Workout

Most ladies LOVE booty training day. I’m with ya! Who can blame us with a workout like this? This routine sculpts and even lifts the badonkadonk! A natural booty lift? Sign me up! You’ll be feeling the burn with this one in under 20 minutes. Give it a try!

There is no doubt that you will burn fat and build muscle with these 5 best HIIT challenges! They’re all great choices when it comes to a fast and efficient workout! “Not enough time” is no longer a valid excuse to not workout! You can complete any of these from just about anywhere!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram for all of the latest body sculpting, fat melting workouts! Invest in your health and try our 12 Week Total Body Transformation Program. It’ll take you right into the Summer time!

The post Burn Fat and Build Muscle With These 5 Best HIIT Challenges appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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