Saturday, May 5, 2018

30 No-Bake Paleo Energy Bites

On-the-go recipes are so important to me because I am seriously always on-the-go. On the weekdays, it’s work this and work that. On the weekends, it’s go here and go there. I can’t complain, because I enjoy my work, and I love going on adventures on the weekends. But, this doesn’t take away from the fact that having these no-bake paleo energy bites are super helpful (and delicious)!

You won’t regret trying 1, or 2, or all 35 of these paleo energy bites recipes for healthy eating on-the-go. Throw them in a baggie and take them to work, send some in your kid’s lunchbox, or, my favorite, pack them in your hiking backpack!

Please note that if any of these recipes call for cashews and/or peanuts, I recommend replacing them with a different nut such as almonds, walnuts, or pecans. I also recommend using dark chocolate for any of the recipes that require chocolate. I’m making these recommendations in order to more closely follow a paleo diet. Now, read on, make on, and eat on!

1. Healthy No-Bake Unicorn Bites

Your kid doesn’t want to eat your energy bites? Tell them you made UNICORN energy bites! That’s sure to get ’em! Well, that and the fact that they’re super colorful and so tasty…MAGICALLY tasty!

2. The BEST Paleo Chocolate Truffles

Sometimes you really just need something sweet as a pick-me-up halfway through the day. If you’re like me, you ALWAYS need something sweet as that pick-me-up. Whether you feel that way sometimes or all the time, Lexi’s Clean Kitchen has your back with this recipe.

The sweet treats don’t stop there! The Pretty Bee also comes in the clutch with these Larabar-like bars.

If you’ve ever had a Larabar and loved it, you’ll love this recipe! Just yesterday, I sent one with my boyfriend when he was on-the-go. He called me right after he ate it saying things like, “Wow, that was so good” and “Do we have any more of those at the apartment?”. Let’s just say, I’ll be making these paleo bars more often!

3. Turmeric Snack Bites

Dairy-free, egg-free, vegetarian, gluten-free, vegan, and paleo, these chocolate and turmeric snack bites are for just about everyone! If you’re hungry often, busy, and need a snack to take with you on-the-go, then these energy bites by A Saucy Kitchen are right up your alley.

I, personally, don’t have too many food restrictions, so the fact that they are friendly to so many diets is not why I particularly love these bites (although I think it’s amazing that they are). The reason why I love these bites so much? Turmeric.

Yup. Turmeric is so, so, so good for you (hello anti-inflammatory agent!) and sometimes quite tricky to fit into your diet. So, I’m a huge fan of recipes that use the spice. Here are a few of our recipes that use turmeric deliciously: Roasted Sweet Potatoes with Turmeric and Cardamom, Slow Cooker Carrot Turmeric Soup, Chicken Turmeric Soup.

The post 30 No-Bake Paleo Energy Bites appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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