Sunday, May 27, 2018

10-Minute Kettlebell Arm Workout

10-Minute Kettlebell Arm Workout - A quick and effective arm workout

As a personal trainer, I’ve heard all of the excuses for not working out. I’m going, to be honest with you, I just don’t buy it. You don’t need to spend a ton of time at the gym. You can get a great workout in at home! Anyone can find 10 minutes to spare in their day! Just get up and move, whether it’s before work, during your lunch break or even at night while you’re watching TV! This 10-Minute Kettlebell Arm Workout is a perfect example. It’s quick, effective and has a number of benefits to offer you.

Performing a few simple muscle toning exercises each day will boost your metabolism, causing you to burn extra calories throughout the day. The more muscle that you have, the more calories you’ll burn. Many ladies are hesitant to lift weights because they feel that they might get bulky. I’ll tell you the same thing that I tell all of my clients… You will not and cannot get bulky. The female body just doesn’t naturally produce enough testosterone for that to happen. You will, however, get toned and fit! Aside from this, lifting weights will also help you sleep better and make healthier choices throughout the day.

This simple, 10-minute kettlebell arm workout can be performed at home or at the gym. One of my clients used to even keep a pair of dumbbells and a kettlebell in her trunk so that she could go do a quick workout on her lunch break! Too often we overcomplicate exercise. We’re keeping it sweet and simple with this kettlebell routine! The upper body exercises involved in this workout will give you defined, gorgeous arms! Let’s get started!

Kettlebell  Workout For Strong Arms

What you need: All that you need is a moderately heavy kettlebell and a timer!

What to do: Perform each of the exercises below for a period of 60 seconds. Try to get as many reps in as possible (just be sure to focus on the movement!) Immediately move on to the next exercise with no breaks! You can perform this routine more than once through if you’d like! We’ve included instructional videos for each of them at the bottom of this post.

  1. Overhead Triceps Extension
  2. Kettlebell Front Raise
  3. Single-Arm Biceps Curl (left)
  4. Single-Arm Biceps Curl (right)
  5. Triceps Kickback (left)
  6. Triceps Kickback (right)
  7. Single-Arm Row (left)
  8. Single-Arm Row (right)
  9. Lying Single-Arm Chest Press (left)
  10. Lying Single-Arm Chest Press (right)

Instructional Videos to Perform the Kettlebell Arm Workout

Overhead Triceps Extension

Kettlebell Front Raise

Single-Arm Biceps Curl

Triceps Kickback

Single-Arm Row

Lying Single-Arm Chest Press

Now you’ve learned how to perform this 10-minute kettlebell arm workout you can do it multiple times per week. Each time you get to the end, try to get an extra rep or two in! As it gets easier, you can step up the weight of the kettlebell that you’re using. If you can stay consistent, you’ll have toned and sexy arms before you know it!

Show us your stronger arms! Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for all of the latest & greatest arm-toning workouts!

The post 10-Minute Kettlebell Arm Workout appeared first on Skinny Ms..


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