Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Ab & Core Home Workout

This Ab & Core Home Workout will strengthen and tighten your back and abdominal muscles. The core musculature is responsible for bending & twisting, supporting the spine, protecting your organs and keeping you upright. In other words, having a strong core is extremely important!

What makes this Ab & Core Workout even better is that it can be completed from just about anywhere. Being able to workout from home makes it easier than ever to stay on track!

Many different exercises inadvertently work your core (squats, dead-lifts, push-ups, etc…) but having a dedicated core routine will help you to reach your fitness goals faster. A strong core will also reduce the risk of injury while working out but also while performing everyday movements.

The Workout

Equipment needed: One dumbbell, approximately 3 to 5 pounds.

What to do: Complete 15 repetitions of each exercise below. The number of rounds will depend on your fitness level as indicated below. To get the best results, it is recommended that you work your core three times weekly and maintain a clean eating lifestyle. We’ve included instructional videos for each exercise below, to ensure that you maintain proper form.

Beginner’s  Level: Complete one round.
Intermediate Level: Complete three rounds.
Advanced Level: Complete five rounds.


1. Side Plank with Hip Lift (15 per side)
2. Pike (15 total)
3. Cork Screw (15 per side)
4. Criss Cross (15 per side)
5. Verticle Leg Lift (15 total)
6. Abdominal Twist (15 per side) Grab a dumbbell for more of a challenge!


Instructional Videos

Side Plank with Hip Lift


Cork Screw

Criss Cross

Vertical Leg Lift

Abdominal Twist

What did you think of this Ab & Core Home Workout? How do you feel? Did you feel the BURN? Let us know in the comment section, below!

Also, if you enjoyed this ab workout routine, consider trying one of the 10 Best Lower Ab Workouts to Make Your Core Stronger than Ever or step it up and try this 14-Day Blazing Abs & Core Workout!

SkinnyMs. Fitness Challenge:  Take this week to focus on your posture.  When you’re eating, watching television, walking or at your desk…be sure to sit up straight and maintain a good posture. After one week, also focus on your posture while performing other activities like cooking, driving, picking up children and other “day-to-day” activities.

Remember, it takes approximately 30 days to form a habit. Having good posture is one habit that you’ll want to keep! Plus, better posture keeps your abs tight, making you look (and feel) slimmer!

Be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest and Instagram to be the first to try out new workouts and view our latest fitness resources.

Editor’s Note: Originally published Jan 9, 2012

The post Ab & Core Home Workout appeared first on Skinny Ms..

source https://skinnyms.com/ab-core-workout/

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