Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What Does 10 Pounds Of Fat Look Like? These Everyday Items Will Shift Your Perspective

Weight is a funny thing. It weighs on the mind (pun intended), like a heavy brick that we can’t seem to shake. If only we could eat well, exercise often, and indulge in treats in moderation effortlessly, right? Our mind games are a big obstacle in the world of weight gain and weight loss. Take 10 pounds for example. Want to lose it? Try, then, asking yourself: what does 10 pounds of fat looks like?

Why you need fat … but not too much!

It’s a funny, albeit gross, thing. For you, fat might be just a belly roll you want to escape. For others, it’s that nice curve in the rear that makes a girl feel womanly. A little bit of fat can be a good thing.

Body fat is a highly specialized organ with many functions. It surrounds and cushions vital organs, and serves as the body’s energy reserve to protect against starvation. And along with fat cells serving as energy deposits, they take up excess calories following meals, releasing them in a flow and controlled manner that fulfills the body’s needs.

Furthermore, fat tissue communicates with chemical signals and neural messages as a means for keeping the metabolism and immune system working their very best.

Fat tissue also responds to and emits a multitude of chemical signals and neural messages, helping fine-tune our metabolism and immune system. It’s when fat cells go awry with their messaging system that things go south.

As explained by David Ludwig, the author of Always Hungry, endocrinologist, and a professor of nutrition:

“Too much refined carbohydrate causes blood glucose to surge soon after a meal, which in turn makes the pancreas produce more insulin than would have ever been the case for humans in the past. High insulin levels trigger fat cells to hoard excessive amounts of glucose, fatty acids, and other calorie-rich substances that circulate in the blood. It’s like those floor‑to‑ceiling turnstiles you might see at a ballpark or in the subway.”

So how much fat should you have?

While there is no official body fat percentage for men or women, there is a healthy range, dependent on fitness level, age, and weight loss goals. Women typically have a higher body fat percentage than men, with younger women between age 20 and 40 needing around 21 to 33 percent body fat, and women age 40 and up requiring around 23 t0 36 percent body fat.

But anything higher than 40 percent body fat is considered obese, and unfortunately, research has found that the number of Americans who are overweight or obese continues to skyrocket, with some research revealing that more than two-thirds of American adults are now overweight or obese.

And a 2016 study found that 40 percent of U.S. women are now obese. Such findings make it prevalent that people, especially women, lose that excess, deadly fat once and for all, and so this question of what does 10 pounds of fat look like becomes not just an interesting thing to ponder, but a necessary one!

Everyday things that weigh 10 pounds

If you want to lose weight, get yourself shocked — even disgusted — by what a simple 10 pounds of fat looks like. It’s not pretty. It’s a massive blog of yellow gunk. Yuck, right?!

But just how significant looking is 10 pounds of fat? Let’s look at everyday things that also weight 10 pounds to give you some perspective:

  • Average three-month old baby
  • Laundry basket filled with towels or jeans
  • Large bag of potatoes
  • Adult Maltese Dog
  • Medium size bowling ball
  • Large watermelon
  • Large bag of sugar or flour
  • A sack of potatoes
  • 1.25 gallons of milk
  • Three two-liters of soda
  • A holiday ham or turkey
  • Small microwave oven
  • Medium size cat
  • Most vacuum cleaners
  • Large garbage bag (filled)

You could lose a baby, a dog, a cat, a filled garbage bag worth of unhealthy fat that could potentially be making you part of the overweight and obese epidemic in America.

Did you know 10 pounds is also the amount of  chemical additives an American consumes each year? I know, it’s crazy stuff, but at least it’s making you wonder how you can burn it off in record time, right?

Eating and exercising to burn fat

The two-step combo of eating healthy and exercising often is what’s going to help you drop pounds, but there are certain foods and certain exercises that can help specifically target fat-burn.

For instance, green tea contains a massive range of antioxidants, including EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a substance that can boost metabolism. This incredibly delicious Spiced Green Tea Smoothie is a great breakfast meal, since it contains caffeine and protein.

Then there’s coconut oil, which contains MCs that help reduce fat storage. Not sure how to add it into your eating? Take a look at these 6 Reasons You Should Eat a Tablespoon of Coconut Oil Daily.

Chia seeds are an effective appetite suppressant, caraway seeds reduce bloating and water weight, and protein powder helps you increase protein without consuming a ton of calories, while also being rich in essential nutrients that work to help you maintain lean muscle mass.

If you want exercises to help quickly and effectively melt the fat away, Try Tabata: An Explosive Fat Burning Workout.

If cardio is your thing, give this 7-Day Fat Burning Cardio Workout a go.

Short on time? This 5-Minute Fat Burning Home Workout is for you then!

Remember that losing unnecessary fat is incredible for your overall health, and if you simply need a kickstart, just try asking yourself, what does 10 pounds of fat look like? When that holiday ham, microwave oven, or large watermelon pop up in your head, you’ll think: “Yuck! But that needs to go.”

Our website is filled with options for fat burning meal plans, lists of why certain foods burn fat better than others, and a dizzying amount of workout plans and exercises that will help get you where you want to be.

Afraid you’ll miss our latest and greatest in clean eating recipes and workout challenges? Join us on Facebook and Pinterest, and subscribe to our newsletter.

Give us your thoughts on this post, and on the content you’d like to see in the future, in our comments section!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2018

55 Healthy Summer Side Dishes

Welcome to summertime! It’s the most colorful season around, filled with everything from bright and vibrant clothing to a range of beautiful flowers. It’s not all about aesthetics, either. The bounty of fruits and vegetables available during the summertime makes it the best season for eating the rainbow.

Deliciously Healthy Side Dish Ideas for Summer or Any Occasion

From backyard barbecues to sunset parties, summer is filled with outdoor celebrations. No one likes to show up to a party empty-handed, but you don’t want to bring the same dish as someone else, either! We have over 50 ideas for healthy summer side dishes, so you’ll have more than enough inspiration all season long. They make for the perfect side dish for a bbq or cookout, but they also make great snacks. And, if you’re looking for a potluck dish, look no further.

So, throw on a colorful bathing suit and get ready to cool down with these healthy summer side dishes. Your friends and family will love their light but bold flavors.

1. Southwestern Brussels Sprout Coleslaw

55 Healthy Summer Side Dishes - Gluten-Free BLT Pasta Salad

As far as I’m concerned, Brussels sprouts never go out of season. They’re most abundant between August and March, so be on the lookout to make this healthy summer side dishes recipe for later summer parties. I love whipping up this healthier take on your typical coleslaw to put on the picnic table next to some of our Mediterranean Grilled Eggplant Burgers with Cheese!

2. Gluten-Free BLT Pasta Salad

55 Healthy Summer Side Dishes - Gluten-Free BLT Pasta Salad

Pasta salads are a huge part of the summer life, but not everyone is a fan. For example, my brother doesn’t really like the stuff, but he’s a huge fan of bacon. I made this recipe for our last family party, and he must have eaten half the bowl! That makes this Gluten-Free BLT take on pasta salad a winner in my book.

3. Cold Asian Noodle Salad

55 Healthy Summer Side Dishes - Cold Asian Noodle Salad

In the summer, anything that has the word “cold” in the name is a good thing. And, trust me, the fact that this Lexi’s Clean Kitchen recipe has the word “cold” in it is not the only reason it’s a good thing. It’s also so full of veggies, flavor, and, of course, color!

4. 15-Minute Zucchini Noodle Tomato Salad with Balsamic Dressing

55 Healthy Summer Side Dishes - 15-Minute Zucchini Noodle Tomato Salad with Balsamic Dressing

I love, love, love using zoodles in healthy summer side dishes! They’re great for both adults and kids because they give you that pasta texture that we all crave every now and again, while not giving you all of the carbs of that pasta. This easy-peasy zoodle recipe of ours. It’s super refreshing on a hot summer day!

If you’re as big of a fan of zucchini noodles as I am, don’t forget to check out our Zucchini Noodles with Pistachio Pesto and our Chicken Parmesan Over Zucchini Noodles.

5. Sunflower-Coated Cheesy Kale Chips

55 Healthy Summer Side Dishes - Sunflower-Coated Cheesy Kale Chips

These kale chips by Minimalist Baker are one of my favorite things to snack on at the beach! They don’t make me feel bloated, and they taste so good. It also helps when I eat them faster than the seagulls can try to steal them from me!

6. Keto Fathead Low Carb Pizza Rolls

55 Healthy Summer Side Dishes - Keto Fathead Low Carb Pizza Rolls

When Sugar-Free Mom creates a recipe for healthier pizza rolls, that means you’ll have a side dish that’s actually kid-friendly! I think we can all agree that pizza never goes out of season, both for  kids and adults, but too often adults are worried about how pizza will affect bikini season. Luckily, these pizza rolls are swimsuit-approved – they’re low-carb and made with nutritious ingredients.

7. Rainbow Salsa

55 Healthy Summer Side Dishes - Rainbow Salsa

Talk about eating the rainbow: this SkinnyMs recipe places every color together in a bowl! Throw in some non-GMO, organic tortilla chips and you’ve got yourself a perfect summer BBQ side dish!

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Monday, May 28, 2018

Mediterranean Couscous Cakes

Mediterranean Couscous Cakes | A Healthy & Delicious Mediterranean Recipe

I’ll never forget the first time I had a crab cake. I was pretty amazed that all the contents held together in an easy-to-eat package. Unfortunately, crab is pretty expensive, and I couldn’t really afford to eat them on the regular. I started researching how to make them and had a realization: you can make “crab cakes” with any kind of filling. After playing around with salmon and tuna fish, I branched out into grains and vegetables. That’s how I came up with these Mediterranean couscous cakes.

I almost think I like these better than the original inspiration! The couscous has a mild flavor and the perfect texture for forming these cakes. Put that together with tender baby spinach and salty feta cheese, and you really have a winner. Once I started making them, I got to thinking about all the different ways I could enjoy these Mediterranean Couscous Cakes.

Ideas for Serving Mediterranean Couscous Cakes

When I had my first crab cake, it was served up as an appetizer, so that’s how I started serving these Mediterranean couscous cakes. Whip up a nice dipping sauce (like this skinny aioli or an olive tapenade to keep with the Mediterranean vibe). They’re perfect for a pre-dinner snack, and your guests will love their bite-sized nature.

Then, I branched out into breakfast. Why not serve a few of those leftover cakes from last night as a morning meal? I crisped them up in the oven to reheat them and topped each of the Mediterranean couscous cakes with a perfectly poached egg. My family felt like we had gone out to eat for brunch, it was so fancy (and tasty, too!).

I’ve also serve these for dinner alongside some grilled vegetables or a roasted chicken. The patty combines the starch and the vegetable component of the meal, so why not make them a lunch or dinner side dish? I especially like serving them with any dinner that uses tzatziki sauce. That sauce goes well with the roasted chicken (or steak) and also with the Mediterranean couscous cakes themselves.

We’d love to hear your ideas about how to serve these Mediterranean couscous cakes, so drop us a line in the comments. There’s no such thing as a bad idea, so don’t be afraid to share something – even if it sounds pretty adventurous!

Check out this video to see how to make the recipe:

Mediterranean Couscous Cakes | Healthy Mediterranean Recipes

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Mediterranean Couscous Cakes | Healthy Mediterranean Recipes

Yields: 4 servings | Serving Size: 2 patties | Calories: 350 | Total Fat: 11g | Saturated Fat: 4g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 17mg | Sodium: 222mg | Carbohydrates: 49g | Fiber: 3g | Sugar: 2g | Protein: 13g | SmartPoints (Freestyle): 10


  • 1 1/2 cups couscous, cooked
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 cup baby spinach, cooked and the liquid squeezed out
  • 1/2 cup fat-free feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1/4 cup red onion, minced
  • 1 teaspoon dry dill
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  1. Combine all ingredients except for the olive oil and mix well.
  2. Form the mixture into patties, about 1/2 cup per patty.
  3. Heat the olive oil on medium heat in a large skillet. Once hot, add the patties and cook for 3 minute or until golden brown. Carefully turn over and cook the second side for about 3 minutes more, or until golden brown. Serve hot.
  4. Tip: Serve with a dollop of sour cream, favorite hummus or tatziki sauce!

We’re always coming up with creative, skinny dishes that are packed full of flavor. Don’t miss a single recipe and sign up for our newsletter! Or, follow us on Pinterest to browse our large collection of beautiful meals.

More Healthy Mediterranean Recipes You’ll Love:

Mediterranean Eggplant Wrap with Creamy Tahini Sauce

Change up your wrap routine with these creative Mediterranean flavors. Once you make this creamy tahini sauce, you’ll be hooked. It’s so good, you’re going to want to use it on everything!

One Pan Mediterranean Chicken Meatballs, Tomatoes, and Chickpeas

I love a good one-pan meal! Keep the cleanup to a minimum while celebrating the complex flavors of healthy meatballs. In the end, this dish looks pretty fancy, so your dinner guests will think you spent all day cooking up a storm!

Mediterranean Chopped Salad with Salmon, Cucumber and Mint

Fill up with your omega-3 fatty acids by adding salmon to this Mediterranean-spiced salad. It’s cool and refreshing, but absolutely packed full of great flavor.

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Sunday, May 27, 2018

10-Minute Kettlebell Arm Workout

10-Minute Kettlebell Arm Workout - A quick and effective arm workout

As a personal trainer, I’ve heard all of the excuses for not working out. I’m going, to be honest with you, I just don’t buy it. You don’t need to spend a ton of time at the gym. You can get a great workout in at home! Anyone can find 10 minutes to spare in their day! Just get up and move, whether it’s before work, during your lunch break or even at night while you’re watching TV! This 10-Minute Kettlebell Arm Workout is a perfect example. It’s quick, effective and has a number of benefits to offer you.

Performing a few simple muscle toning exercises each day will boost your metabolism, causing you to burn extra calories throughout the day. The more muscle that you have, the more calories you’ll burn. Many ladies are hesitant to lift weights because they feel that they might get bulky. I’ll tell you the same thing that I tell all of my clients… You will not and cannot get bulky. The female body just doesn’t naturally produce enough testosterone for that to happen. You will, however, get toned and fit! Aside from this, lifting weights will also help you sleep better and make healthier choices throughout the day.

This simple, 10-minute kettlebell arm workout can be performed at home or at the gym. One of my clients used to even keep a pair of dumbbells and a kettlebell in her trunk so that she could go do a quick workout on her lunch break! Too often we overcomplicate exercise. We’re keeping it sweet and simple with this kettlebell routine! The upper body exercises involved in this workout will give you defined, gorgeous arms! Let’s get started!

Kettlebell  Workout For Strong Arms

What you need: All that you need is a moderately heavy kettlebell and a timer!

What to do: Perform each of the exercises below for a period of 60 seconds. Try to get as many reps in as possible (just be sure to focus on the movement!) Immediately move on to the next exercise with no breaks! You can perform this routine more than once through if you’d like! We’ve included instructional videos for each of them at the bottom of this post.

  1. Overhead Triceps Extension
  2. Kettlebell Front Raise
  3. Single-Arm Biceps Curl (left)
  4. Single-Arm Biceps Curl (right)
  5. Triceps Kickback (left)
  6. Triceps Kickback (right)
  7. Single-Arm Row (left)
  8. Single-Arm Row (right)
  9. Lying Single-Arm Chest Press (left)
  10. Lying Single-Arm Chest Press (right)

Instructional Videos to Perform the Kettlebell Arm Workout

Overhead Triceps Extension

Kettlebell Front Raise

Single-Arm Biceps Curl

Triceps Kickback

Single-Arm Row

Lying Single-Arm Chest Press

Now you’ve learned how to perform this 10-minute kettlebell arm workout you can do it multiple times per week. Each time you get to the end, try to get an extra rep or two in! As it gets easier, you can step up the weight of the kettlebell that you’re using. If you can stay consistent, you’ll have toned and sexy arms before you know it!

Show us your stronger arms! Follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram for all of the latest & greatest arm-toning workouts!

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Parmesan Roasted Zucchini

When I moved into my house, my neighbors bragged about how safe the neighborhood is. “We only lock our doors during zucchini season!” they boasted. I thought they were joking until the summertime came along. Every neighbor on the block tried to give away the excess zucchini from their garden. Lucky for me, I love zucchini, so I said yes to everyone! I had way more zucchini than I needed (okay, maybe my neighbors were right…). To use it all up, I set about making batches of zucchini bread and this Parmesan Roasted Zucchini recipe to use it all up.

I love this recipe because you can use it in so many different ways. We’ll give you some great ideas in just a minute. But, before we dive into that, we want to let you know that you can make this parmesan roasted zucchini into a vegan recipe with one tiny change.

To make the ingredients fully plant-based, feel free to sub-in our dairy-free parmesan cheese instead of the real deal. Since our cashew cheese won’t melt like real parmesan, I would recommend adding it after the Zucchini has roasted. It will still taste great without the melted topping, so give it a try if you’re vegan or following a plant-based diet.

The Many Ways to Use Parmesan Roasted Zucchini

Okay, let’s take about some of the many ways I use this recipe! Sometimes I serve it as my vegetable side, but you can also make it the main event by topping it with grilled salmon or chicken. For lunch, it’s really great in a bowl – either as a salad on top of fresh greens or a Buddha rice bowl. For dinner, I’ve tossed it with pasta, put it on whole wheat bread to eat it as a sandwich, or wrapped it up in a tortilla with rice and beans for a burrito.

Really, the possibilities are endless – once you make a batch, you can use it any way you like! Those are some of my favorite ways to use parmesan roasted zucchini, but I’d love to hear your ideas, too. If you get inspired and create something new, let us know in the comments! We always love to hear from you.

Parmesan Roasted Zucchini

6 servings

1/2 cup

Parmesan Roasted Zucchini

Yield: 6 Servings | Serving Size: 1/2 cup | Calories: 100 | Total Fat: 6 g | Saturated Fat: 2 g | Trans Fats: 0 g | Carbohydrates: 8 g | Fiber: 2 g | Sugar: 5 g | Protein: 4 g | Cholesterol: 3 mg | Sodium: 83 mg | SmartPoints (Freestyle): 2 |


  • 4 large zucchini
  • 2 teaspoons garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground, black pepper
  • 1/4 cup fat-free grated parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with non-stick spray and set aside.
  2. Slice the zucchini into 1/4 in circles and place in an even layer on the prepared baking sheet.
  3. In a small bowl, combine the garlic powder, pepper, and parmesan cheese. Lightly brush the zucchini with the olive oil and sprinkle the parmesan mixture on top.
  4. Bake for about 30 minutes or until lightly golden on top. Serve and enjoy!

We have so many great vegetarian dishes on the site, and we’re building up our database of plant-based meals, too! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram so you don’t miss any of our latest posts.

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30-Days of Make-Ahead Dinner Ideas Designed to Help You Lose Weight

Have you ever felt like you just don’t have “time” to lose weight? Work, family, social life, and various other obligations can cause you to come up with plenty of excuses to order takeout and skip the gym. But what if it was as easy as learning a few simple make-ahead dinner ideas to get you going?

You might find that just that one simple tweak, of choosing to put your food first, will be enough to see the number on the scale begin to drop.

30 Days of Scrumptious Make-Ahead Dinner Recipes

Carving out time to create a lovely meal for one night may not seem worth it if your life is super busy, but what if it could last you multiple meals? And no, I don’t mean subjecting yourself to eating the same meal all week long in the name of weight loss. You could make several meals very quickly, freeze, and enjoy at your leisure.

Taking the stress out of cooking and losing weight really can be as simple as whipping up simple meals that require oh so easy prep work. Just take a look these make-ahead dinner ideas to get inspired.

1. Slow Cooker Carnitas

Can carnitas and weight loss really be used in the same sentence? This crockpot recipe sure proves it. Spices and flavorful pork come together to give you protein options that can be used in a variety of ways throughout the week, even for lunch the next day!

2. Chicken and Penne Parmesan Casserole

When pasta is calling your name but you know simple carbs aren’t your best friend, try this healthier version that is packed with plenty of nutrients.

3. Nacho Potato Casserole

Casseroles are a perfect choice when you’re looking for easy-prep, no-mess make-ahead dinner ideas. To create that nacho essence, this dish uses nacho spices combined with ground turkey for a guilt-free indulgence.

4. Skinny Lasagna Rolls

Skinny Lasagna Rolls

Made with whole-wheat pasta and low-fat cheese, these skinny lasagna rolls are a great make-ahead recipe because they’re easy to freeze in individual portions.

5. Slow Cooker Loaded Beef Stew

A guilt-free hearty meal that’s easy-to-freeze, this stew is packed with flavor, and all you have to do is throw the ingredients in the slow cooker and get on with your day!

6. Cheesy Squash Casserole

In the need for something vegetarian? Put this healthy and delicious casserole on your radar.

7. Philly Cheese & Chicken Sandwich

This recipe is great for when you just want to reheat something and get deliciously healthy food in your belly.

8. Slow Cooker Chicken Chili

Before you hit the hay after a long day of work, throw chicken chili ingredients into the slow cooker, allow to cook overnight, then freeze at your leisure. Simple and delicious!

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Saturday, May 26, 2018

Top 3 Weight Loss Programs For Women

There is no one-size-fits-all weight loss program. I know – I’ve tried a number of them. I’ve certainly had more success with some and less success with others. I have a hard time following a low-carb diet, like keto, whereas a Whole30 plan fits my lifestyle so much better. My mother, on the other hand, really benefited from the structured program of Weight Watchers and has kept her weight off for over ten years! That’s why we want to review the most popular weight loss programs for women, so you can determine which might be best for you.

The best weight loss programs on SkinnyMs. Help you lose the weight and keep it off with proven exercise plans and delicious recipes. Our programs fit into any schedule, so we’re there for you if you have a busy lifestyle! We also are here to keep you motivated. Our community of weight loss enthusiasts is here to support your weight loss program.

Let’s take a look at the most popular weight loss programs for women so we can help you find the best one for you.

1. Ketogenic Diet

The keto diet is a well-known low-carb diet that has become popular in the last few years. The idea is that you will change your body’s energy source from using carbohydrates to burning fat. When you limit your carb intake, your body begins producing ketones. This metabolic state forces your body to rapidly burn fat, causing you to lose weight.

The keto diet has also been linked to other beneficial health results, like reversing type-2 diabetes, lowering blood sugar levels, and reducing the risk of heart disease. If this one sounds like it’s right for you, get started with these low-carb, keto-friendly snacks and avoid these 3 common mistakes keto dieters make.

2. Whole30

The Whole30 diet isn’t actually intended to be used for weight loss, but many users have experienced rapid weight loss just by changing up their diet. The program is a 30-day clean eating initiative that removes dairy, grains, sugar, legumes, and alcohol from your diet. This creates natural, sustainable energy sources that revitalize your body and gives you more energy.

The Whole30 diet has become so popular that most people continue (at least part of the time) after the 30 days are up. We have a really nice 7-day plan that will get you jump-started into the first week of the program. From there, try some of our favorite slow cooker recipes that take the time commitment out of being healthy.

3. Weight Watchers

Slow Cooker Fiesta Chicken Soup Recipe

Weight Watchers is a great program for those looking for a little bit more structure. You can eat anything you want – carbs, fats, calories – without any restrictions. All you need to do is tally your points every day. Stay under your weekly points goal, and you’re almost guaranteed to lose weight. Weight Watchers has been around for so long that there’s a wealth of resources when it comes to recipes and community support.

If something really structured sounds like it’s up your alley, start with our 7-day Weight Watchers menu plan. Or, go straight to our 75 favorite Weight Watchers recipes if you want to browse through and pick breakfast, lunch, and dinner for yourself. We even have some great snack and dessert recipes for Weight Watcher plan followers, too!

Stay motivated with SkinnyMs. on social media! Get inspired by our Pinterest and Instagram pages, and keep on track with our daily news from Facebook and sign up for the newsletter. The best way to achieve your weight loss goals is with a community, so let us be that for you!


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Friday, May 25, 2018

5 Natural Flea and Tick Remedies for Your Pet

Unfortunately, summer isn’t all about warm breezes and cool drinks. Sometimes, summertime brings along some nasty side effects – like mosquitos, sunburns, fleas, and ticks. Yes, sadly, it’s all too true that this is also the season for unsavory bugs, which tend to bother you and your furry friends. Luckily, we have a few solutions – like these 5 natural flea and tick remedies for your pet – that will vault you back to enjoying mojitos on the patio.

Sometimes, it’s true that chemical solutions for fleas and ticks are necessary. Some of these pests, like ticks, can carry bacteria (including Lyme disease). So, getting rid of them is very important. This might mean you want to turn to a chemical aid if you’re dealing with a whole-house infestation. In less serious cases, though, these 5 natural flea and tick remedies for you pet can be just as effective. Naturally occurring enzymes are just as effective at killing and repelling these bothersome pests.

If your infestation isn’t dire, consider trying some of these natural flea and tick remedies. You may be surprised at how easily they remove the pests from your pet! That will make your animals happy while also giving you a cleaner, safer home.

NOTE: No matter which natural remedy you use, always check with your vet to make sure it’s safe to use with your pet.

1. Freshly Crushed Garlic

Fresh garlic does more than keep the vampires away! Mixing garlic with your dog’s food can help keep the pesky bugs away too. Experts recommend using no more than 1/2 clove per 20 pounds of body weight each day, with a maximum of 2 cloves for any size of dog.

If you prefer a more convenient remedy, Springtime’s natural garlic for dogs and horses may be an option.

Don’t use any garlic remedy if your dog has a history of hemolytic anemia. Also, do not use garlic natural flea and tick remedies with cats, as it can be toxic to them.

2. Vinegar

Add vinegar to your dog or cat’s drinking water at the rate of 1 teaspoon per quart of water. You can dilute it in water using a 1:1 mixture and spray it onto your pet’s coat. Read all about the 21 healthy ways to use apple cider vinegar – some of the uses might surprise you!

3. Coconut Oil

Extra virgin coconut oil contains lauric acid, an ingredient believed to repel fleas. Rub the oil onto the pet’s skin by warming it into your hands and spreading the oil on them. You can also add 1 teaspoon per 20 pounds of body weight twice each day to their food.

4. Ladybugs

Yes, ladybugs are natural flea predators, making them a natural first line of defense on your property. They’ll each consume up to 50-60 bugs, including fleas, each day. Find ladybugs at your local garden store.

5. Citrus Juice

Squeeze or rub the juice of lemon, orange, lime, or grapefruit onto your pet’s hair to help repel fleas naturally. The secret ingredient in this remedy is a substance called limonene, which is also responsible for the distinctive aroma of citrus fruits. As a bonus, your furry friend will smell extra nice too!

NOTE: Do not use citrus oil extracts on your pets. Citrus oil irritates the skin and can cause liver damage in pets when ingested.

For more DIY you can do for your pet, try these:
Doggie Toothpaste
Pet Shampoo
All-Purpose Oil for Pets
All-Natural Pet Stain Remover  

Fox News

For more exciting SkinnyMs news, workouts, and recipes, follow us on social media! In addition to Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, you can also subscribe to our newsletter. That means the latest and greatest will be emailed directly to your inbox!

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