Saturday, June 23, 2018

6 Ways to Burn 100 Calories in Ten Minutes

Running short on time? Don’t have time to exercise? All of that sounds pretty familiar to me. I make those excuses all the time to avoid working out, but I’m just hurting myself. It definitely doesn’t help me see results at the end of the day! So, I decided to work smarter, not harder, with these 6 ways to burn 100 calories in ten minutes. These exercises are specifically designed with workout science in mind to achieve the most effective way to burn calories in the shortest amount of time.

It’s not magic, either. Hour-long workouts build endurance, but they’re not necessarily maximizing your calorie burn. Not only that, but it’s hard to stay motivated if your trip to the gym takes half of the morning! On the other hand, a basic, quick exercise can often be the best approach to burning those calories. These short, more intense workouts are designed to get your heart rate up without complex instructions or gym equipment. You may also know this type of workout as a HIIT workout, based on the famous Japanese tabata model.

Utilizing these ways to burn 100 calories in ten minutes, you’ll find yourself racking up an hour’s worth of cardio in no time at all. So stop spending all day in the gym and take advantage of simple, quick workouts instead. We can’t wait to hear about your results!

1. Run on the Treadmill at 6-miles per hour

You don’t have to spend hours on the treadmill to see results. While it’s true that you’ll burn more calories the longer you run, short sprints are also a good way to work up a sweat. To use the treadmill as one of the ways to burn 100 calories in ten minutes, crank up the speed to 6-miles per hour and get your heart rate pumping (that’s only about three songs on your workout playlist!)

2. Combine Stairs and Burpees

This is a fun way to mix up your cardio routine – and you don’t need a gym membership to do it, either! Take a jog up the stairs before doing five burpees at the top. Then, run back down and do five more burpees. Repeat the process (taking a 10-second break between sets if you need to). After 10 minutes, you’ll be 100 calories lighter!

3. Go for a Spin

Looking for a quick and easy way to burn an extra 100 calories? Just hop on a bicycle and crank the resistance up to high. Spin standing up for ten minutes to get your sweat on, boost your heart rate, and earn those extra 100 calories.

4. Switch Between Planks and Mountain Climbers

With this fun workout combo, you’ll get your cardio in while also flattening your belly with ab training. Do one of these planks for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Then, hop back up for 50 seconds of fat-blasting mountain-climbers. Reward yourself with another 10-second break before repeating the process five more times.

5. Jump Rope

Grab a jump rope for this tabata challenge. This quick, fun calorie-burner will really take you back to your childhood days! Cycle between 4o seconds of jumping rope and 20-second rest periods. Those ten minutes will fly by, and you’ll burn 100 calories without even knowing it.

6. Sprints

Fun fact: studies show that HIIT sprints burn more calories than a steady run. So, take advantage of the workout science with this quick and easy workout. Sprint at high intensity for 15 seconds. Then, walk or jog lightly to recover for 45 seconds. Repeat ten times, and you’re done!

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